Van Gogh

This portrait of Van Gogh is stationed across the street from the AGO. I immediately thought of Rebecca Budd – Lady Budd.

EEK! It kept staring at me, following me. I walked back and forth, thinking the head was being automatically turned. NOT!!!

Check it out! The video is only 18 seconds.

I also shot stills. I thought Rebecca will love this! She is such an arts aficionado, and I mean ALL arts and artists.

Then I thought of Marina from Art Towards a Happy Day, who is an artist, musician and does wonderful posts about classic artists.

Then serendipity happened! Rebecca interviewed Marina about art in a podcast on Tea Toast and Trivia, on July 19. I found Van Gogh on July 19.

I know you’ll love the podcast. Click on the pic of VG above, and go there!

I started at the other side in the 20 second video below.

Fascinated, I went up close.

Turns out the part of the face that follows is an indented sculpture, with some paint on it.

This is the only shot I have of this size close up, in an attempt to show you what I mean of an innie sculpture. LOL, I accidentally cut off most of VG’s left ear. Honest, I did not crop!

B O N U S  ST R E E T  A R T

On my way home yesterday, from another successful Street Art adventure, I looked down at the sidewalk, and there was a spirit of Hera. I think it looks like Hera! Hera is Marina’s sweet puppy dog.

Pics taken by Resa July 19 & 23 – 2021

Toronto, Canada

Artist is unknown to me at this time.

115 thoughts on “Van Gogh

  1. Timothy Price

    That is one of the coolest pieces of art. It’s amazing how he keeps eye contact as you move from one side the the other. The detail is great. The outline of the dog looks like a Doberman.

    1. The art is so very cool, and it’s in the street for all to see. That is more cool!
      A Doberman… well, this is the second time I found Marina’s dog in street art, and someone told me it was a Doberman.
      I thought Doberman’s had little ears?
      Anyway, I will imagine this is Hera! Love ya! xx

      1. Timothy Price

        Dobermans have floppy ears if they are not clipped. The size of the ears depends on how much they clip them. Hera would look similar in silhouette.

    1. THANK YOU! Still, I went to the link, but there is no blog for me to visit.
      It is a page saying…soon! Love your visits!

    1. Thank you, John!
      It was a fascinating experience. I love that there is art in the street!
      Not everyone goes to art galleries. I believe there is good being done by exposing all to art. Streets and parks work well in this area.
      It is my aim to present the art I love in the streets and alleys, in a way that gives you a feel of the experience, and a better view than one static shot.

        1. I am so proud of the street art in Toronto!
          Every time I go out walking, there is another art adventure. So glad you are here and enjoying!

  2. Pingback: Van Gogh – Street Art found by Resa – DEEZ – News about Art, Books & more

  3. Resa, those haunted, piercing eyes. The videos & close up photos are fascinating. Yes, street art is awesome when you find it. Toronto seems to have more than most cities. Others have blocks of graffiti that couldn’t pass as true art. 📚🎶 Christine

    1. Hello Christine!
      Toronto is art mad! Yay!!!!!
      Glad you caught this one, We have graffiti here too. That’s how street art got started. Street Art Toronto give artists free paint to do real art over graffiti. They also get paid for big mural jobs! (sides of buildings, underpasses, etc.)

      1. Lucky you! Thanks for the street art history. Hopefully, there isn’t a problem where street art is defaced by graffiti. Is there some protection against that? 📚🎶Christine

        1. Well… some does get defaced. There is an overcoating they use sometimes. Graffiti can be then removed without harming the mural.
          Also, many artists touch up their work.
          Then there’s street cred. Many of the artists started out tagging, then grew into beautifying with their art talents. Their art tends to be left alone. Also, the more mature artists try to educate the younger taggers. There’s also alternative schools like- There’s a Skateboard school. Here they get to skateboard, and learn art. Many artists will do community projects with school kids and youth groups.

          1. Wow! Thanks for the detailed information. It’s impressive about the street creed and how artists take on community projects. Especially, those who started out as taggers and they become artists. I wonder if our big cities are as proactive? NYC, Chicago?

    1. Agree! xoxoxoxo
      My next post will be the book review w/ gown drawings on Art Gowns.
      I might have 1 more question. xoxoxoxo

  4. Resa!!! It is ALWAYS a joy to visit your place! You remind me of those marvelous times in Paris when everyone gathered at Gertrude Stein’s art gallery. She recognized artists and supported their creative endeavours. I think of you on your long walks looking for “mural treasure” which you always seem to find, or perhaps it is the art that finds you. There is serendipity at work. You bring the world of art to our screens wherever we are. You introduce the artists that ignite our cities with vibrant colours. Many hugs come with a huge thank you!!

    1. BIG HUGS back at you!
      This was totally serendipitous!
      I’m doing a review of one of Shey’s books on Art Gowns (I drew the gowns in the story), but I was so excited about this find, especially when I saw you had made a podcast with Marina that I put this first.
      I found a lot of art last 2 walks!
      It’s always a thrill. I feel like an urban explorer!

  5. Pardon what did you say…you’ll have to say it in my other ear! I wonder if the Van Gogh in this sculpture mural is friends with Len Tickula (lenticular) cos this is almost like one of the old “3d flicker images” where you see one picture viewing it from one angle but a different picture if you look from an alternate angle. Either way I wondered how the portraits in the haunted mansions of Scooby Doo worked…now I know! Great find – I just hope you don’t find an example of a “Pepper’s Ghost” image …that would freak you out!

  6. That is a cool sculpture/painting, though it bit creepy 😉 I could see the indented-ness in the second video, but perhaps because you had mentioned it…

    1. I’m piqued by how many have said it’s a bit creepy. 🤔🧐
      I suppose it’s a bit like – his body is dead, but his head is still alive.
      Well, now that you mentioned it back to me, I saw the indent in the last video.
      The 2 are both from different angles into the light, so that probably made a difference.

  7. How weird is that. He definitely follows you and even knowing why…it’s still weird. I absolutely love the dog shadow as well. Both wonderful finds. The video’s are so cool and you cut off his ear. Hahahahaha

    1. Hahahaha! Yeah, I cut off his ear! It’s a busy sidewalk, so I was a bit rushed. Didn’t realize what I’d done until I got home and looked at the pics.
      Well, it’s as though his head is alive when he’s long dead!
      S, it is odd, but sort of unique!

  8. Splendiferous, young Resa. I tried to ‘like’ on Vimeo but not too sure it worked. It should do as I have a few bits on Vimeo myself, hence no logging in etc. The world of technology is not my forte, methinks. Regards, TOF

      1. ‘Vimeo’ sounds like it should really be a form of bleach to sterilize the loo or a drain. A strange name indeed. I’d almost forgotten I got ‘stuff’ there, so thanks for you posting your video, young Resa. Regards, TOF

  9. Oh, my goodness!!!!!! What a find!!!! Those eyes really follow you around!!!! …and looks like Hera visited you without telling me!!!!
    …and awwww…..
    I agree with Rebecca, serendipity at work, for sure!!!!!!!!
    So happy you thought of Rebecca and me with this!
    Mouah!!!! Huge huge hug and endless kisses and love, Dahling!!!!!

    1. Dahling!
      Hera might not have an emoji of her own, but she sure gets around.
      Its so cool I found this on the day of the podcast!
      I just couldn’t wait to post it!
      How could I not think of you and Rebecca! You an artist & musician, and Rebecca ardent lover of ALL arts and history and culture…
      Well, it’s a natural.
      Okay, I’m off to find the sponges!

      1. Serendipity at work, as Rebecca says!
        Sending more baskets of hugs and kisses!
        Oh, and you’ll be needing heaps of sponges.
        Hera is sending a vulgar amount of slobbery kisses!!!!!!

        1. Ah… baskets hey!
          Looks like I’ll be needing baskets of sponges!

          1. oh yes…. lots of them!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Resa, nicely done, even with the non-cropping toward the end. I must confess to singing Don McLean’s first verse “Starry, starry night,” to his lovely song “Vincent” as I looked through your post. Keith

    1. Thank you, Keith! Lol, yes the ear was an interesting mistake!
      “Vincent” … I’ll look it up on Youtube! Not sure I know it. Don McLean – did he write Bye Bye Miss American Pie?

      1. Resa, he did, but he wrote so many more terrific songs, but not to the same level of acclaim. “Vincent” is exceptional, in my view, as he captures Van Gogh so well and laments his tortured life. Keith

  11. Oh! Wow, shivers! He absolutely is following you with his eyes. This is a one of a kind serendipity for sure. It’s fascinating dahling. I’m glad I was browsing the reader, I’m late to party 🎉 but so glad I made. Hera can be wherever she wants to be. 🐺

    1. There should be a Hera emoji!
      Yeah, it is a very cool piece of art, and right out in the street where everyone can see it.
      Although, it was fairly busy with pedestrians, it seemed like many didn’t see it. Weird!
      Well, you made it to the party, dahling, fashionably late!
      No sense being the first to arrive, and the last to leave!
      You’re timing is perfect! xoxoxoxoxoxo

      1. It’s an amazing wall art. Hera definitely needs an emoji. I’m missing out because posts are not showing up in my mail ergo I’m late ⏰ ( ergo, Lolol) xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

        1. Ergo, no sweat! No worries! We are just out here having fun.
          I’ll make sure I notify you when AGM posts, RR, etc. go up! OR, if I don’t see you around for awhile..I’ll mention…whatever.
          The Reader makes me nuts. Sometimes it’s just a few blogs over and over, like the Reader has hiccups!

            1. Yes, that has worked for me once in awhile!
              Glitches of ergo. Henceforths of notifications!
              I just read Rebecca’s post reading your poem! Fabulous. I left a big ol’ windy comment! LOL!! xoxoxo

  12. I think Van Gogh’s self portraits might be a bit better. But nowhere near as spooky. Maybe if Van Gogh had a crop option like you had, he could have saved himself a lot of trouble.

    1. Agree! I had to capture it! Also, it’s art and in the street which is a must for me.
      ✨🙏🕉🌱🌿🌳🌻💚🕊☯🐉✨ – Back at ya!

  13. Gray Dawster

    The 3D effect really shows in your video shorts, and is amazing how the piercing gaze of the Van Gogh subject follows you as you pan the camera, some might say rather eerie whilst others revel in the majestic skills of the artist. I think the latter is my choice.

    Have a truly awesome Tuesday Resa 🙂 ❤


    Andro x x

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