John Lennon

Several years ago I thought I saw John Lennon’s face painted in a doorway, as the streetcar I rode trundled by at full throttle.

Making a mental note of the area, I vowed to return and find it. Since, I have been in the area quite a few times, but could never find it.

One day last week was the last time I would search for it, having come to believe I dreamt it. Suddenly it was there, obvious for all to see and almost exactly where I thought it would be. Why hadn’t I seen it all those other times?

Thrilled to the point of growing an extra toe, I blathered the whole experience in the first comment I made when back on WP. The victim was Trent from Trent’s World, and I asked him to pick a song.

Trent’s reply the next day:

Hmm, my first thought was Instant Karma, but I just went back and listened to a few and I think it has to be Mind Games”.

“Even when it was released, it was deemed nostalgic, a feeling that comes across even stronger now. And it has all of the classic Lennon philosophies about peace, love and being positive – “YES is the answer” with that it’s up to the individual to change the world philosophy. “

“Part of the nostalgia is that it has an almost Beatles feel to it while being 100% a Lennon solo work – almost like those two songs from The Beatles Anthology in the 1990s that were Lennon demos finished by the other three, only this is 100 times better. “

“It is also odd (to me) that it is a super simple song musically – the music is just the road John’s ideas ride on to get to their destination. Anyway, “Mind Games” is my pick “

Pics taken by Resa – June 3, 2024

Toronto, Canada

The Artist: Unknown at this time

Thinking about it today, the song is amazingly perfect. After all, the painting had been playing mind games with me for years. I actually came to believe I’d dreamt it. Maybe John is laughing?


116 thoughts on “John Lennon

    1. Yes! John was epic, finding the art was epic and the message he left is epic.

      OMG… I finished the drawing, took pics then saw (just now as mailing) I forgot to add a brown over the dark caramel in your hair. Okay..This afternoon for sure! xxxxxxxx

    1. I don’t think so, Matt, but who knows?

      When seen in real life, the fading on the side closest to the street (therefore the sun) is evident, and the paint flaking in general makes me think not.

      Terrific thought! xx

    1. Yes, it was a sad day. I was in Miami when it happened. It’s a strong memory.

      How can I say this… he was too positive, his calls for peace were resounding and people were listening. That was not good for the business of war.
      Cynical, but may hold truth. 🤨

      1. I was living in Manhattan myself in 1980, a couple dozen blocks north of the Lennon/Ono residence on the Upper West Side.

        Yes, Lennon was quite progressive — and that can be a danger for such a person in the US of A. (Unfortunately, his treatment of women and his parenting during his 20s and early 30s weren’t ideal.)

        1. Interesting. Was it crazy on that night? Was there a ripple of sad where you lived, or was it centred around The Dakota?

          I don’t know much about him on a personal story, but I did read his son Julian had to sue the estate to get any inheritance.
          Is that true? I don’t know what to believe when I read it anymore, especially online.

          1. I only have a vague memory of discussing the murder with friends. Some people gathered in Central Park, I think, but I wasn’t there myself.

            I’ve also heard that little or no money went to first wife Cynthia or son Julian after John’s death. All or most went to Yoko and second son Sean, according to what I read somewhere. But I of course don’t know for sure.

    1. Now you’re scaring me. 😵‍💫 😂
      I don’t know Merril, You might be right. Then again, I could be living in several alternative universes at once!

  1. You have a fascinating choice, my dear Resa. And thank you so much for your efforts to find this magical painting of this great, lovely person. I recently had the chance to watch the Beatles documentary Get Back on Disney. It is a fabulous work, and I would like to share this short lyric with you from the album Abby Road:
    “And in the end, the love you make is equal to the love you take.”🙏🤗💖🎸🎹🎵💖

    1. I love that line, Aladin!
      John & all the Beatles, whether together or apart, sent out a positive & beautiful energy into the universe.

      Of course many feel this way. Yet, somehow John Lennon was great at perpetuating and growing those feelings in humanity.


  2. Great piece of street art! Of course you know how I feel about Lennon. And glad I could contribute to this post! It is funny, but almost every comment so far has mentioned or quoted a different Lennon song… What an impact he made! Those mind games, raising the spirit of peace and love!

    1. I forgot – When we were chatting, I told you that one of my favorite Lennon Beatles’ songs was I am the Walrus. For what ever reason, I had my coffee in my Magical Mystery Tour mug – I had planned to use the Let it Be mug, but fate told me otherwise 🙂

      1. Yes, and I was prepared to use I am the Walrus. I quite like that song, but not the first one that comes to my mind.

        Still, I can see you really liking it. Makes sense.

        1. “I am the Walrus” is an odd one, seeming a musical dead end, and yet I think that, though pure psychedelic, it is one of the cornerstones of all Prog. I’ve always been one more for sound than words, and this song has a wonderful sound!

          1. True..I’m hearing the sound in my mind now.
            I’m going to go listen. I would believe a cornerstone for Prog.
            The Beatles set meany cornerstones.

            1. Every so often I will hear a song from the 60s and, looking at the release date, realize that it is a step ahead of The Beatles (i.e, like some Zombie tunes), but pretty much the Beatles did build the foundation of so much of the music to come.

                1. I sometimes hear Zombie tunes and it’s like, “They were actually doing this when the Beatles were still singing “I want to Hold Your Hand” and “Love Me Do”! Wow!” I think they (Kinks and Zombies) were all part of that first wave, along with The Stones and The Who. I love the Who – “Tommy” is in my top five favorite records.

    2. Yeah, I love this art. It’s not every day I see John Lennon’s face painted in the street here.

      Well, he wrote a lot of great songs, so I’m not surprised we are getting many choices here.

      His impact is still here, and I think needs to come back out from the shadows.

      I just realized I didn’t put a Thank You Trent at the end. Uch… let me go & do that!

      Thank you!

      1. I do think he needs to come back out of the shadow and that people should hear his message loud and clear.
        You are welcome, always happy to be involved, particularly when it is something so great as picking music from one of my heroes!

    1. Yes, one would think peace would follow.
      It needs to spread over the world. It seems hate and war is spreading.
      Hey, you spread a special good energy every Friday. Thank you! I’ll be by soon!
      OX OX

  3. It was Karma alright to find it after all and I’m so glad you did. It’s a wonderful mural and I love Trent’s choice. The vertical lines also add to the illustration. Beautifully captured, dahling! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

    1. Dahling,

      I was wondering if anyone would say something about the seams in the wood panels.

      To me it adds an effect like jail bars.

      John never went to jail, but it seems his ideas and philosophies were put into a figurative jail by government.


  4. Hi Resa, I just run out of superlatives to describe all these murals you find. Again this one is amazing and the artist captured Lennon’s gaze perfectly. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

  5. A wonderful reflection and discussion on the life ofJohn Lennon, Resa. He continues to influence new generations with his combination of his groundbreaking music and thought-provoking philosophy. The societal context of the era in which he lived demanded a fresh perspective on life. His music with The Beatles and as a solo artist challenged traditional norms and pushed boundaries in the music industry. The turbulent times of the 1960s and 1970s, marked by social and political upheaval, created a perfect environment for Lennon’s messages of hope and transformation to captivate audiences worldwide.

    1. Agree! His was a positive message.
      There are some poets, musicians and other artists with that message now, but their voices aren’t reaching masses the way John’s did.

        1. Yes, we are inundated with stuff, and who knows what or who to believe …except trump.
          He knows all and all should believe him. 😬

          No wonder all I want to do is be creative.

          1. I heard a hilarious comedy skit about how all the Trumpers hated him once upon a time. Before his first debate, he was barely hanging on, he had like maybe one or two percent in the polls. Then he WON the debate by behaving like a third grader and all those people who had previously hated him? Loved him!

            Creativity is the only way to go in this world. When you have a passion for something, dig in and leave the rest of the world behind for a while. It’s way more peaceful.

  6. I love this collaborative post, Resa. The artwork is sublime and I’m so glad you found it. There’s sometime quite timeless about it and it seems to capture Lennon’s otherworldly way of being in the world.

    And what a beautiful and thoughtful choice of song from Trent. It’s everything he said it was. This post made me feel nostalgic, hopeful, and a little sad too. Thanks to you both for sharing. ❤

    1. Diana,
      I love your comment.
      I feel the same about Lennon, and his much needed messaging in the world. It’s great that art is not forgetting him.

      Trent’s reasoning for choosing “Mind Games”is spot on, and yes, heartbreaking in a way.
      I was thrilled that Trent and his intellect joined me in this post! 🌹❦

  7. I love this wall art of Lennon. So glad you found it… again. This particular video of Lennon’s Mind Games is a favorite and I actually dedicated an entir post to this video alone when I first closed Heartafire and opened HoH. Thank you both for this day brightener. A beautiful artwork and song 🎶❤️

    1. Heartafire (lovely name)… I might remember that. It’s unclear.

      I’m happy I found it, too! I thought maybe it was from a dream. Actually, that’s okay too. You know, Meece, I have dreams wherein I find street art all the time.

      Mind Games is a special song. I can see why you premiered it on HOH.
      Lennon & Dylan are top choices for my next portrait.
      Janis Joplin is on the list too.
      Still it’s the poetry and messages from Lennon and Dylan that move me.

  8. Your mind games have started quite a discussion, Resa an seems to be generating some additional creativity. Well done.

    I think John was messing with you. Mind Games must have been important to him.

    1. The discussion goes to show how loved John’s music and messages were, and still are.

      It’s okay if John was messin’ with me.
      It’s a great spirit connection. Thank you, Dan!

  9. Hi Resa, hope you had a lovely weekend!! Beautiful mural of Lennon, glad you were persistent in finding it again, odd that you couldn’t find it after seeing it the first time. I saw the Lennon Wall when I was in Prague a few years ago but this mural is even more striking.

    Love the song Mind Games and it’s perfect for this post as the mural seems to be playing mind games with you!

    1. Thanks Ruth!
      Yeah, it was an adventure, but then most street art is. I am definitely a fan of his music and messages.

      Hey, I nominated “Shogun” for best period costumes and “Tokyo Vice” for best contemporary costumes.

      Here’s the rub. Both “Shogun” & “Tokyo Vice” are up for best dramatic series.
      There were a slew of choices, and we were allowed 5 nomination choices. I nominated both “Shogun” & “Tokyo Vice”.

      The actual nominations will be revealed on July 17. It’s alway a gas to see what, if any of my choices made it. I get to nominate and vote in about 18 categories.

      After July 17, the real work begins. I have to watch everything I haven’t seen in a category before I vote.

      1. Your adventure paid off beautifully and your fans get to admire the Lennon mural, so thank you!

        YAY!! Both Shogun and Tokyo Vice have gorgeous costumes in the respective categories. Shogun is especially outstanding, as they even used period-appropriate Japanese thread to create those stunning Kimonos! Oh wow, so they’re competing in the same category? Man, that’s tough to choose, though I probably would vote for Shogun.

        Have fun watching all the series… I do realize it’s hard work but hey, someone’s gotta do it! 🙂

    1. I don’t know. Now that you mention it, I checked some colour shots. Hard to tell. He wears glasses a lot. They do look blue though, a dull blue.

          1. Yes, he did. Blue eyes are strange. According to research all blue eyes have in common the same grandmother born in the Caucase 6000 years ago… My father had blue eyes. My mother green. All my siblings have blue eyes, I’m the only one with green eyes…

  10. Resa, one of this spine-tingling moments, I bet when you came across this once again! Very strange and wow, an emotive and gifted portrait. A song that resonates across time! Thank you for this beautiful post. Annika

    1. Welcome Annika!
      It’s a wonderful portrait, especially considering it’s painted on a wall.
      Many of Lennon’s songs are what you say- resonating across time.
      Thank you for your lovely comment! -Resa

  11. Some of the Lenon’s solo albums were in my tiny cassette collection for long time. Used to play them in the car. I believe the single “Imagine” made a lasting impact on the society. Probably cause for his death, never know.

  12. Pingback: John Lennon – @murphy web

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