A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Not the prettiest piece of art ever painted.

Found in an underpass, it remains haunting.

Hey mom! Can I go out and play?

Pics taken by Resa – February 5, 2024

Toronto, Canada

The artist is unknown at this time.

130 thoughts on “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

  1. These are hidden, intelligent arts that must be discovered by awakened eyes. Thank you for your awareness, dear Resa. As you said, these illustrations tell us a lot for, according to German: “Nachdenklichkeit” (paying a deep pensiveness).🤙💖🙏🌟🖖

    1. Thank you to you too, Aladin!
      I like the phrase you have taught me. “Nachdenklichkeit”.
      Now, I just need to learn how to say it and remember it, properly. I will.

    1. Thanks Dave! Yes, it is an intriguing, thought provoking piece despite its simplicity. I never know what I’ll find out there. Not everything speaks this loudly.

  2. Oh man… this one hit me in the solar plexus, Sorceress. The trio of images made me so sad. What a message! Thank you for sharing. xoxoxo

    1. Yeah, I agree I held back posting. Thunder, you know I love the faces and pretty paintings, but this truth had to get out on a post.

  3. Ah, had to wait for that last one for the “punch line”. Or is it “punch in the gut”? Very interesting. Of course it is appropriate that the parent is fixated on a Banana branded phone… nice find.

    1. Trent,
      Yes, “punch to the gut” is appropriate. You know I love the pretty faces and more colourful art out there, but this one is special. Had to be posted.
      Lol! You know, the banana phone didn’t register with me. I kept asking myself, what is that?
      I think was assuming it would be a known brand logo.
      Silly me!

      1. Kind of funny, I think the Banana phone was the first thing I noticed… Maybe because a kid in the Bloom’s County comic strips used a Banana Junior 6000 computer back in the mid-1980s. (Yes, I had to Google it to get the exact computer name)

              1. Calvin and Hobbes, Far Side, Blooms County… I formed a couple of bands in the 80s, but never played out except to friends. I was mostly just trying to find a girlfriend at all (one who was more than just a friend) lol, that was me back then, ultra-nerd.

                1. Aww, I wanted to be a nerd!
                  I had the grades.
                  Alas, female discrimination at school, and a bad home life caused me to give up and become a teenage runaway.
                  Nonetheless, I’m more than happy with the results.

  4. Timothy Price

    Poor little one wants to go out and play while mom plays. A bit of a wasteland to play in. Wonderful find, Resa.

    1. Agree dear Shey!
      I never know what I’ll find out there. Hopefully hitting the alleys tomorrow. (and tattoo parlours.. might get a small one for my cat) xxxx

  5. A thought-provoking find, Resa. The panels tell a sad story. Of course we tend to make judgements and jump to conclusions. The mom could be playing games, or she could be calling for help. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Yes, humans interpret everything individually.
      However this is interpreted, it holds a message of some kind.
      Love sharing the street art.
      Hope to find some tomorrow!

        1. YES! Omg! I saw it and thought, a dinosaur… like it was normal to see a dinosaur.
          I had to go back and look to realize what I thought. 😂
          Just a regular everyday dino.

            1. Maybe… a comment on randomness… or an extinction warning…or someone just likes dinosaurs.
              I do get to meet artists. Sometimes when asked what they meant, they reply with a question – What do you think it means?
              Sometimes – I think it’s obvious!
              Other times – I just looks nice. I like the way it looks.
              Almost don’t want to ask! 🤔

                1. Yes…poetry is mostly subjective to me.
                  I do know what a poet is saying, at times, but mostly it makes me feel & think something I’ve personalized.

  6. Resa – a brilliant mural. So glad that you were able to capture the narrative embedded in the scene. To me, the mural is a vivid depiction of an apocalyptic scene, overflowing with emotional intensity that is palpable. The mural artist has skillfully captured a sense of chaos and despair through the use of the dark violet/purple colour and haunting imagery.

    You always find a treasure!!!

    1. Thank you Rebecca!

      Yes, the dark “violet/purple colour” does capture the chaos and despair.
      When I found it, I saw the 3 sides as meaning something. The “apocalyptic scene” did not register, until I looked at the images in my photo files.

      It is always incredible to me how I see what I see in real life when I look at the art. Then when I look at the pics, other/more information arises.

      I try to impart the art as I believe I saw it upon discovering it, only to find those who view it back to me, find a lot more.

      All in all a rewarding experience.

    1. Yes, the banana! I missed that. I’m not sure, I maybe thought like.. and abstract fairy.
      Yes, treasure amongst the trash. It’s a wonder to find it!
      Thank you, Sue! ❦❦❦

  7. Pingback: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words – JAMES KEDZE BLOG

  8. Bad art is a thing I like to admire. Like so-bad-it’s-good movies, ya snow? Bad art makes me feel happy embracing my incompetence on certain things (such as art, for I cannot paint). 🎨

      1. I can draw, and send you, some terrible art that’ll make you curse the day you contemplated that. If you’re game? I’ll call the piece – Marmite of My Stickman Mushy Peas. It’ll be a stain on humanity’s otherwise perfect record.

    1. …. Or are humans just a bunch of apes? 🤔
      Honestly, sometimes I think we are the most stupid life form on the planet.
      BUT… I found more street art today, so I am one happy funky monkey!

  9. I’m learning Spanish is so much better easier to learn for me! I don’t know how to pronounce that lol not going to try! I learn to do my hobbies which is blogging and comfortable in the skin I’m in and confidence building of not caring what others think!with that said most bloggers I take the time to read and comment or reposts are the ones my energy feels good about and inspiration to keep going and not give up to do what you love..Cute posts intrigues on cool art..have an amazing day…

  10. Yes, a haunting one, Resa. Deforestation and loss of habitat is one sad outcome of human carelessness. One day, human’s will only see apes on flash cards and our children will wonder what happened. Thanks for sharing this underpass find.

  11. Pingback: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words – @murphy web

  12. I agree with haunting, Resa, but fascinating and telling as well. I’m glad you found these so we could experience them too! The tiny detail of the banana phone was clever also. I think of the natural habitats of animals being destroyed and also of children growing up with cell phones and less with books. I’m generalizing, but this is from observations when I’m out and about. I’m thankful my daughter and son grew up with books and didn’t get into technology until late in high school. Anyway, thanks for this wonderful mural! Hugs xo

    1. You are welcome, Lauren!
      This bit of art is saying a lot.
      The cell phone generation is growing up into a species of hunchbacks.
      That is of course beyond all of the other pitfalls they are encountering.
      Yes, good thing your kids read books.

      I still haven’t ruined the flower art. I’ve put a fantasy creature in the flowers. It’s NOT a fairy.
      It might be a poet who was abandoned at birth and raised by a flower garden….a Floet?
      Working on it!

  13. There was a Belgian comic strip ages and ages ago called Spirou. One of my favourite adventures was “Le gorille a bonne mine.” (Hard to translate, about gorillas) At one point one of the gorillas gets mad at the heroes, grabs the camera and shoots the hero fleeing the gorilla. Best picture of the entire safari. 😉

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