52 thoughts on “A Bit of Herstory – China

    1. I agree! It’s one of those finds thatI had been near several times before, but it’s on a side street and I missed it. Zig zagging through neighbourhoods pays off!

  1. I LOVE this mural. It reminds me of Guan Yin, Chinese Bodhisattva/ Goddess of Compassion, Mercy and Kindness who is considered to be a mother-goddess and patron of seamen. One of the reasons that I traveled to China was to find Guan Yin – which I did in a temple. I find her gentle, yet powerful, presence in our complex world to be a comfort. Here is some information “The name Guan Yin also spelt Guan Yim, Kuan Yim, Kwan Im, or Kuan Yin, is a short form for Kuan-shi Yin, meaning “Observing the Sounds (or Cries) of the (human) World.” Every mythology has the idea of a feminine aspect that nurtures compassion. It is an universal theme. Great photos, Resa!

    1. I think you have interpreted this correctly, Rebecca.
      I wondered why the female image was raised in a moon, and the male was toting the children.
      A more usual depiction would have the woman bearing the children. Therefore, she is above… not better, but above.
      She does look like beauty. The man is not happy about doing woman’s work, but still raises his gaze to her all encompassing radiance.
      I’m so happy you told me about Guan Yin! xo
      Oh…TY about the photos!

    1. Thanks Gi!
      It’s almost pitch black here, so I couldn’t take decent shots of my sketches. Apparently we we will get some sun maybe tomorrow or Friday & I just saw we are going to have a harsh winter. Uch! ❤

  2. I love all things oriental! I think this is the first time I’ve seen exotic asian wall art. It’s beyond delicate , fragile, and so beautiful. It reminds me of cherry blossom time in Kyoto! Wonderful photos Resa, I don’t know how you did with the weather so gloomy!
    It is gorgeous! xx

    1. It really is delicate and fragile, within the colours and message. I know what you mean about cherry blossom. Its colour is a definite “there”, but not overly prevalent.

      “I don’t know how you did with the weather so gloomy”
      I’m addicted to the beauty on painted walls!

  3. What a beautiful piece of artwork this is Resa… Totally enchanting with such a magical feel… as if it is holding the balance of Yin and Yang in those baskets.. 🙂 The Male and Feminine Energies ❤

  4. Pingback: A Bit of Herstory – China — Graffiti Lux Art & More – Truth Troubles

        1. It’s dark, cold and the snow is encroaching. I’m keeping positive by baking pies and working on the new Art Gown. She’s almost done. Taking the pics next week! x

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