David Bowie

Alley north of Bloor Street at Bathurst.

Bowie #1

This is from a ginormous, older music themed mural that is disappearing beneath vicious tagging and fresh graf.

Bowie #2

I’ll be posting what I can of the leftovers, and there’s a new piece that’s very gorgeous.

Bowie #3

Bowie #4

Bowie #5

Bowie #6

Bowie #7

Bowie #8

Pics taken by Resa, on June 3, 2014

Toronto, Canada

17 thoughts on “David Bowie

  1. David Bowie…. the first concert I ever went to. Somehow my sister and he best friend took me ( how that happened I’ll never know ) and we drove from our little town to downtown Cleveland for the event.

    I must have been about 15, and as we were entering I saw this girl, musta been about 20 leaning against the wall beautiful, exotic, with a glitter tear beneath her eye. The most alluring woman a small town boy had ever seen.

    1. Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre pensée généreuse !
      Vous avez un blog magnifique, et je l’apprécie beaucoup.

  2. Pingback: David Bowie | BzirkWorld

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