Poetess in Urban Jungle

Dedicated to Holly – House of Heart

I took one look

and heard Holly.

I saw her, a poetess in her jungle of words.


Pics taken by Resa – April 19, 2014

Toronto, Canada

Poetry © Holly Rene Hunter

The artist: Unknown at this time

185 thoughts on “Poetess in Urban Jungle

    1. Aww, thanks TOF!

      Anyway, it just seemed like that when I was there, in the alley, surrounded by crazy graffiti tags and throw ups with one lovely face.

      (Ps. still waiting for delivery)

    1. Thank you, Dave!

      Graffiti alley is one of my fave places to walk. There’s always some cool art to be found in the mayhem.

      The words… well you could mean Holly’s, you could mean mine?

      I’ll go with a combine!

      PS. Pet Misty for me!

        1. Aw, thank you!
          Makes me think of an old saying…I’m paraphrasing….
          You can take the girl out of the harsh urban fast lane insanity jeans with holes long hair rock music artists alternative back alley fashionista lifestyle, but you can’t take the harsh urban fast lane insanity jeans with holes long hair rock music artists alternative back alley fashionista lifestyle out of the girl.

          Or something like that!


          1. Bahahahaha!

            That’s a mouthful, and really not something you could put on a bumper sticker or make into a tat. Unless the tat was a sleeve.

            But it still counts!


            1. A tat sleeve….????

              Ahh, I looked it up. It’s what I thought it would be.

              Kinda pseudo though. Of course used as a compression bandage, it’s the hippest thing in medical supplies.

              A sheer mesh body stocking with tats could be cool as a sort of sexy garment for a female…. with seams up the back and maybe some rhinestones on the private parts, so everyone knows it’s fake.


    1. Thanks Merril!

      I was going to post this cool/minimalistic garage door art. Then I found this, and was swept away.

      Art has a habit of doing that to me.

  1. Timothy Price

    While Bungling In The Jungle. You heard, you looked, you saw — beauty. She is a beauty. It looks like there is a lot more to discover in that part of your urban jungle.

    1. Thank you dear Tim!

      It’s a wonderful alley. I try to walk though it once every month – 6 weeks.

      It’s largely tags and throw ups, but artists do come and add their Art, which really stands out in the mayhem.

      I was so excited when I saw this face, my heart picked up speed. I thought of Holly immediately. xox

    1. Thanks Diana!
      I love the alleys with their art. When I saw this, I scratched other post plans, and bumped this up.
      I was so inspired… the art …Holly’s poems… we’ve been chatting about Jim Morrison’s poetry (dark with some beauty)
      I was right by the Art Gallery, but it’s locked tight due to a labour dispute.
      Graffiti Alley was my consolation visit.
      I feel so lucky!
      So happy you saw this! x

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    ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌that’s a beauty!

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  3. Meece! This is some gorgeous wall art and I’m so completely thrilled to be honored with the dedication. Thank you dear Resa, you are such a kind, generous, thoughtful, gifted , beautiful lady and awesome friend, not to mention courageous, getting out there in the alleys of the Jungle and sharing the amazing wall art.

     I am really digging Welcome to the Jungle, that is my favorite song by Gun’s and Roses! Thank you so much lovely! Totally have a heart full of love and hugs coming your way.


    1. Holly Meece!
      I was having a cool day. Had splurged (lucky me) at the art store, on some art accoutrements for the FM drawing.
      That made me feel like seeing art, and the AGO is closed due to a labour strike. So, I walked to Graffiti Alley.

      I was completely smitten with this face, and thought of you immediately. All of the tags, writing and throw ups looked like letters of the alphabet and words…. poetry…

      Strange because we have been chatting about JM and I had mentioned he could be quite dark.

      Yet, there is beauty to be found, and that is exactly how this looked to me. It became 3 dimensional.

      I just had to post this right away, and I’m thrilled you like it and are happy.

      I love the song too, and doesn’t the name of the band “Guns and Roses” sound like all we’ve been talking about?
      Ugly and beauty live beside each other. That’s how we can tell them apart.


      1. Well said and so true, we live among the good and the bad and try to make life joyful as much as possible. You are a major contributor to the happiness and joyfulness we experience through your incredible ability to spread that happiness and joy around. We all long for beauty and no one does it better than you.
        Gun’s and Roses does indeed remind me of the “jungle” we live in, the good and the bad but most of importantly spreading the beauty we find to as many recipients as possible to brighten their day and that’s what you are all about sweet lady. Thank you so much, I adore you! Be safe out there in the alleys and jungles and thank you for sharing your finds.
        Congratulations on the art accoutrements, Ever Ready, If you could find a way to bottle some of that incredible energy and zest for life it would sell like hotcakes.
        So many heartfelt thanks, hugs and love ( you are truly adored by the throngs and I’m in the front row).

        1. So, that’s how your poetry goes. Beautiful images, and/or/with harsh realities.

          Metaphors delight, even while they may hold a disturbing image.

          Your “Sad Café” series is exactly there, in the alley, in the jungle. Yet through the smoky haze, I see love (even desperate love counts), appealing images and gowns. Lol, yes, I see gowns.

          You have said some lovely things about me, and I feel the same about you.

          Interesting how some new art supplies can be inspiring. I should go look at my FM and see if last night was as good as I thought.

          This is not the first alley art that has sparked thoughts of you. What next will I find that brings you and your poetry into the alley with me? When?


          1. I am so excited about FM, I cannot wait, but I will :). You keep us tuned into all the beauty out there, even in the jungle there is lots of beauty to be found and that is what you do.

            Thank you for this wonderful piece of art Resa Meece. 

            I love that I am waiting there in the alleys , in the sad cafes, I see you in the alcove wearing a Resa gown…all eyes on you !


            1. Yes, the Sad Cafe’s Jungle calls to us all at some point.
              I see simple, slinky gowns…tango in feel at times… omg… long sleeves to hide the truth. Obviously reading too much JM.

              So, I just mailed an FM update. It’s good to get feedback. I can get blind when I’m working on a drawing.

              It’s still a bit away, but I think I should keep going.
              You’l let me know!

                    1. Cheers! My granny, actually both grannies made me. 🥂
                      Between them they taught me love, kindness, strength, independence and how to bake pies!

                    2. She taught you well. Anyone can see that. My Grandma essentially raised me . My mom died and my father traveled so from 8 years old till I was 18 she was my second mom. After raising 6 kids of her own she took me in just like I was # 7. I’m eternally grateful to my sweet grandmother. ❤️

                    3. Wonderful dear Holly. I’m so happy you had someone to love you and raise you.
                      It’s sad your mom died when you were so young.
                      This could have something to do with the intense sensitivity in your poetry.

                      My dad left on a drunk when I was 4. He’s a sonofabitch. He’s at death’s door and wants me to love him now. I’m trying not to be crusty, with only a bit of luck.

                      Shovelled around to a violent aunt, mom & step dad fell into alcoholism… enough violins! LOL!
                      I too am eternally grateful to my grandmother(s)!
                      And I sure adore you! xoxoxo

                    4. Timely!
                      Sound Eagle just left us a lovely long comment. (under out chit chat…not at the end of comments)
                      Listening to “Welcome to the Jungle” again. LOL
                      OKAY.. also,I think I finished FM. Will have a last look tonight.
                      Should be able to take decent pics on Wed. or Thurs. )at the latest) and send it over.

                    5. Yes, it’s for Gigi!
                      What you plan to do sounds sounds great.
                      She loves him and Queen. I’m not sure what her fave song is, though?
                      It will be interesting to see what you pick for her.

    2. Dear Resa and Holly,

      Those are great photos of street art, and the poem by Holly Rene Hunter is exquisite.

      I have enjoyed reading your conversations here, and I am touched by your close friendship. Indeed, the journey of life would be so much better and fulfilling if or when we could always be caring and supportive towards others, and also if or when we could value health and life. And of course, we would like to be able to journey as long as we can through our lives with the ones who are dear to us, and we never cease loving them, even when they are no longer with us.

      Wishing you a wonderfully productive 2024 doing or enjoying whatever that satisfies you the most, whether intellectually, artistically, physically or spiritually!

      Yours sincerely,

        1. Dear Holly,

          I am delighted to read your reply and gladly receive your love and best wishes.

          Since you like poems, I would like to inform you that Resa has just visited and commented on my most recent post, where I am currently running the 📜 Collaborative Poetry Challenge ✍🏻. The said post is metaphorically entitled “📈🌆 Growing Humanity with Artificial Intelligence: A Sociotechnological Petri Dish with Latent Threats, Existential Risks and Challenging Prospects 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🤖🧫☣️”. So far, five excellent poems have been accepted and featured stylishly in the post published at

          📈🌆 Growing Humanity with Artificial Intelligence: A Sociotechnological Petri Dish with Latent Threats, Existential Risks and Challenging Prospects 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🤖🧫☣️

          Please enjoy!

          PS: Resa has such a great eye for spotting wonderful street art!

          Yours sincerely,

          1. This is exciting! I plan to visit your post. Thank you for letting me know about it.
            Resa certainly has a an eye for beautiful wall murals and amazes us with her creativity. She’s a remarkable and gifted artist as well. Have a wonderful day, thank you for the kind and generous words!

      1. Dear Sound Eagle,
        Thank you so much for this lovely comment!
        It’s true, I adore Holly. Her poetry has swept me away.
        Also, we’ve had some wild laughs that have lead to me drawing her as 3 different cartoon characters.
        One of them “Boogapony Holly” appears on this blog time to time. You can find her on the side bar.

        Again, thank you for the lovely comment.
        I enjoyed the poetry on your blog today, especially the poem by Sue.
        Be well!

    1. Thank you, Cindy! Holly can sure bring it out in a person.

      The urban jungle doesn’t bite, but I would suggest not going in there at night!


  4. a fantastic tribute to one of the finest poets I have ever read .. Holly is beautiful and brilliant. Her poetry is fabulous. She’s just one of a kind. Resa, this is pure art .. Holly , this is simply awesome. 💓🤗gorgeous pics .. can’t stop raving lol 😂

    1. LOL! Thank you Yassy!

      I agree about Holly. I am most inspired by her poetic prowess.

      I’m thrilled you got to see this tribute to her! 🤗❤️

    1. Thank you dear Shey!

      Yes Holly’s poetry is a rare find. Yet, somehow I found her and her words in that urban jungle. I do love it in there!


  5. A perfect post. Welcome to the Jungle added to the mix and anything that celebrates Holly has my vote. Anything put together by Resa is bound to be amazing. So…all three at one time. Cannot beat that! Love it Resa. Just fantastic and I’ll be singing that song all night. LOL

  6. Hi Resa, I like your choice of the G’n’R track but this beauty gives me Gotye “Somebody I Used To Know” vibes….she looks familiar but I can’t place a name to her!
    Still, another fabulous piece just a shame there’s no artist’s tag to give them credit. Thanks for sharing.

      1. I recognise that name as you’ve featured their work before….I commented there must be something wrong if they felt they were only “Half” decent because they are awesome.

        1. I agree with that!
          However, he earns his $$$ as a tattoo artist. So, Half Decent is kinda nasty cool.
          Decent tattoos doesn’t sound good for business.

    1. Thank you dear Lauren!
      Art is a cool thing. One never know how a piece will effect us.e.
      I had an epiphany when I laid eyes on this face.
      xo 🌹🌺💓

    1. Teagan!
      Yes, I’m always thrilled when I find B&W street art.
      I am careful. I went out for street art late at night once. Not optimum… lol!

  7. “a poetess in her jungle of words”… perfect, dahling and you are soooooo right!
    What a mural! Just meant for Holly!

  8. Resa – you and Holly are treasures!! I imagine you walking around a corner and seeing this mural and hearing Holly’s name. Goosebumps how your photos and Holly’s words come together.

    1. Thank you,Rebecca!
      Yes, it is wonderful the way art infuses the spirit with treasures. Here it was a gift of Holly.
      I was by the AGO on this day.
      The picketers were out there, and it was closed. 😢
      I did chuckle when I saw a sign that read; “Show Me the Monet”!
      Anyway, This alley was my consolation prize.
      The beauty of public or street art is that the gallery is never closed.
      Hugs to you!

  9. Oh yes! This is absolutely perfect, Sorceress! I see her, I love the section of our poetesse’s beautiful words that you chose. Yes, perfection!

    1. Thunder!
      I’m happy you like this. I just love it out there. It’s a complete escape, like walking in poetry.

      So… been shooting the gown.
      Uch & yay + the new camera & learning lighting = learning curve.
      Our 1 all-out sunny day is tomorrow. I shall be busy!

      1. Oh yes!
        I bet you do. It must feel like you are walking in poetry.

        Uch and yay – I feel your pain. New camera though. Quite thrilling. I know you will figure it all out and I look forward to the results.

    1. I’ll show you around! The art comes and goes. I never know what I’ll find. Street art is ephemeral.
      What’s the street art scene like where you live?

    1. Thank you, Brian!

      Yeah, I had fun with this one.

      It was inspiring finding the art.

      WP sending someone on a loop de loop? What else is new?

      Anyway, thrilled you got to comment. 💖🎨❦❦

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