Goldfish Alley Finished

Continued from my previous Post:

East of Dufferin Street, south of Queen W. W. is a piece of alley marked by a Goldfish on the corner of a parking lot.

 From the end of the alley, walking back to the Goldfish it looks like:

Signed by:  Worth Less
Signed by: Worth Less

Then we pass Goldfish Alley Stars from the other way.

Artist: Unknown
Artist: Unknown

Then there’s this tasty piece after the Stars with a Graf doorway in between.

Artist: Unknown
Artist: Unknown

Then 2 other street bits.

Artist: Unknown
Artist: Unknown
Artist: Unknown
Artist: Unknown

…And we are back at Goldfish Corner

Artists: Unknown
Artists: Unknown

Pics shot by Resa, on June 03, 2013

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Goldfish Alley Stars

In my previous Post:

East of Dufferin Street, south of Queen W. W. is a piece of alley marked by a Goldfish on the corner of a parking lot.  REFLECTED GRAF  documents this lot.

Artist: Unknown
Artist: Unknown

Here’s three slices of the North side of Goldfish corner alley.  It’s got nothing to do with fish.

Artist: Unknown
Artist: Unknown

I’ll try to tie the entirety of this section  of alley up  tomorrow!

Artist: Unknown
Artist: Unknown

Pics shot by Resa, on June 03, 2013

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Goldfish Alley Corner

East of Dufferin Street, south of Queen W. W. is this corner piece that marks the alley.

Artist: Unknown
Artist: Unknown

It’s right around the alley corner of the parking lot from an earlier Post : REFLECTED GRAF

Artist: Unknown
Artist: Unknown

Wait until you see the rest of the alley! It’s got nothing to do with fish.

I’ll show you some tomorrow!

Artist: Unknown
Artist: Unknown

Pics shot by Resa, on June 03, 2013

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Welcome to the Jungle

1333 Portage Avenue

Artist(s): Mandy van Leeuwen, Jennifer Johnson
Artist(s): Mandy van Leeuwen, Jennifer Johnson

Official title: “Rain Forests of South America” 

Pet Traders commissioned it in 2003.

Artist(s): Mandy van Leeuwen, Jennifer Johnson
Artist(s): Mandy van Leeuwen, Jennifer Johnson

The brutal climate of Winnipeg has taken its toll on this stunning work of art.

Artist(s): Mandy van Leeuwen, Jennifer Johnson
Artist(s): Mandy van Leeuwen, Jennifer Johnson

Hopefully, this most awesome piece of art will be restored! As flaked as it was, it was a joy to behold!

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Shots taken by Resa, on October 09, 2012

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The Murals of Winnipeg

100 Years Ago

“The Way We Were ” is the official title of this sepia toned mural. It’s so very gorgeous! It’s at 4972 Dundas Street W.

Artist: John Kuna
Artist: John Kuna

It depicts life in this area circa 1912.

Artist: John Kuna
Artist: John Kuna

So many sweet aspects

Artist: John Kuna
Artist: John Kuna

I did a Post of the horses and wagon 6 weeks ago, and I’m finally getting the rest of this wonderful mural out!

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Pics shot by Resa, on April 28, 2013

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Main Head

1348 Main Street

Artist: Brian Gasenzer
Artist: Brian Gasenzer

Glory, It wasn’t sleeting!

However it was Thanksgiving”  weekend, and the “Rocket” ran over a piece of wood with a very large nasty nail in it. Sherrie’s dad, and Poopsie rescued us.

Artist: Brian Gasenzer
Artist: Brian Gasenzer

The shutters are all painted. Unfortunately, the purlple-ish reefer smoking wolf was the only one down when we we there.

It’s a fun bit!

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Shots taken by Resa, on October 06, 2012

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The Murals of Winnipeg

G.R.G. The Sequel

Here’s the rest of what I found in Loblaws’ parking lot!

I know it’s dizzying, but I found myself angling my camera for the sake of the reflection.

OMG #10

The pic above is so fabulous that I had to start my Post with it, even though it’s near the end of the Graffiti. So let me back up, and start at the beginning.

I came out of the LLBO. I spotted the Graf and cars at the far end of the lot, and began shaking.

OMG #3

The ginormous lot is on the east side of Dundas West between Bloor and Roncesvalles.

OMG #4

I was thrilled to find a red car in reflection position.

OMG #5

It looks so different reflected in red, quite stunning in its own right.

OMG #6

The cars were all clean and shiny!

OMG #7

The graffiti colours are intense, perfect for reflections.

OMG #8

I know, it’s hard to beat the drama of a shiny black vehicle.

OMG #9

I tried to get a shot of the Graffiti art from the other side, but I was sqinched into a corner with limited positioning.

OMG #11

Funny how companies, not people paint these things sometimes!

OMG #12

Pics shot by Resa, on June 13, 2013

Toronto, Ontario, Canada