Let’s All Join In

This is a post about Peace, Love, Smiles & a song Trent wrote & recorded..

It began with the John Lennon post I recently did. Trent had selected a Lennon song for the event.

Then it grew into a song and video written and produced by Trent.

The lyrics are poetic, and hold a message inspired by John.

I thought I saw Lennon’s face
From a trolley rocketing by
It disappeared without a trace
Did the vision also die?

His words come tumbling back
From a far off distant land
A great message on each track
A utopian dream so grand

I read the news today (oh boys)
Children-human shields were killed
Drones and bombs made some noise
More innocent blood was spilled

Why is making war so appealing?
Why is love considered quaint?
I think our attitude is revealing
Our devotion to guns a taint


So let’s all join in
Sing of peace and love again
For we all belong
In a Lennon written song
It can’t be wrong
So sing along
Let us all join in
All join in


Such an imagination!
He made us dream
The world stood as one
Our actions could redeem

Can we remember
Perhaps even enhance
And once again
Give peace a chance?

Today people gave power to the rich
A billionaire grabbed more
We’re told advancing is a cinch
Just give the billionaires more

John trusted the People’s voice
Today that seems absurd
I think that we have no choice
But to make our voices heard


I found the face in a doorway
Faded into nostalgic hues
The simple picture’s seen better days
Reflecting Lennon’s views

Although the decades whizzed past
Never believe that it is too late
John’s message will always last
Hold my hand, let’s temp fate


Once a week there is usually a Weekly Smile post on Trent’s Blog, He tells about something that made him smile. He asks what made you smile.

This week I’m smiling because a street art post of mine, inspired a beautiful song about “give peace a chance” to be written & video to be made.

I’ve always believed in peace and love.

John Lennon

Several years ago I thought I saw John Lennon’s face painted in a doorway, as the streetcar I rode trundled by at full throttle.

Making a mental note of the area, I vowed to return and find it. Since, I have been in the area quite a few times, but could never find it.

One day last week was the last time I would search for it, having come to believe I dreamt it. Suddenly it was there, obvious for all to see and almost exactly where I thought it would be. Why hadn’t I seen it all those other times?

Thrilled to the point of growing an extra toe, I blathered the whole experience in the first comment I made when back on WP. The victim was Trent from Trent’s World, and I asked him to pick a song.

Trent’s reply the next day:

Hmm, my first thought was Instant Karma, but I just went back and listened to a few and I think it has to be Mind Games”.

“Even when it was released, it was deemed nostalgic, a feeling that comes across even stronger now. And it has all of the classic Lennon philosophies about peace, love and being positive – “YES is the answer” with that it’s up to the individual to change the world philosophy. “

“Part of the nostalgia is that it has an almost Beatles feel to it while being 100% a Lennon solo work – almost like those two songs from The Beatles Anthology in the 1990s that were Lennon demos finished by the other three, only this is 100 times better. “

“It is also odd (to me) that it is a super simple song musically – the music is just the road John’s ideas ride on to get to their destination. Anyway, “Mind Games” is my pick “

Pics taken by Resa – June 3, 2024

Toronto, Canada

The Artist: Unknown at this time

Thinking about it today, the song is amazingly perfect. After all, the painting had been playing mind games with me for years. I actually came to believe I’d dreamt it. Maybe John is laughing?