Let’s All Join In

This is a post about Peace, Love, Smiles & a song Trent wrote & recorded..

It began with the John Lennon post I recently did. Trent had selected a Lennon song for the event.

Then it grew into a song and video written and produced by Trent.

The lyrics are poetic, and hold a message inspired by John.

I thought I saw Lennon’s face
From a trolley rocketing by
It disappeared without a trace
Did the vision also die?

His words come tumbling back
From a far off distant land
A great message on each track
A utopian dream so grand

I read the news today (oh boys)
Children-human shields were killed
Drones and bombs made some noise
More innocent blood was spilled

Why is making war so appealing?
Why is love considered quaint?
I think our attitude is revealing
Our devotion to guns a taint


So let’s all join in
Sing of peace and love again
For we all belong
In a Lennon written song
It can’t be wrong
So sing along
Let us all join in
All join in


Such an imagination!
He made us dream
The world stood as one
Our actions could redeem

Can we remember
Perhaps even enhance
And once again
Give peace a chance?

Today people gave power to the rich
A billionaire grabbed more
We’re told advancing is a cinch
Just give the billionaires more

John trusted the People’s voice
Today that seems absurd
I think that we have no choice
But to make our voices heard


I found the face in a doorway
Faded into nostalgic hues
The simple picture’s seen better days
Reflecting Lennon’s views

Although the decades whizzed past
Never believe that it is too late
John’s message will always last
Hold my hand, let’s temp fate


Once a week there is usually a Weekly Smile post on Trent’s Blog, He tells about something that made him smile. He asks what made you smile.

This week I’m smiling because a street art post of mine, inspired a beautiful song about “give peace a chance” to be written & video to be made.

I’ve always believed in peace and love.

152 thoughts on “Let’s All Join In

      1. You’re spot on, Resa. Aside the mass of political twats and general morons, the few of us who live for ‘peace and love’ these days look to the sky and think ‘why’!

        1. Yes, and beside the Why? is Why not?
          All the hate and war just doesn’t make rational sense to me.
          Somehow, I’m going out on a limb here, trump has given permission to lie, hate and seek revenge; not just to his congregation, but to all of the political twats and general morons you mention.

          Stop me! Next sentence will be a run on!

    1. Agree! Humans made a wrong turn somewhere.

      Also, we have no truly great leaders. It seems we only have overlords.

      Be well and stay safe, Martha!

    1. Thank you, Shey!

      I agree. It is so cool when you inspire someone.

      I get inspired by you and other blog pals all the time, in the most positive ways. xxxxxxx

    1. You’re welcome Michael!

      I’m sick, and scared of all the hate on earth right now. Let’s put a focus on positive ideas!

      Sharing these ideas through the arts is something I can help with, in mysmall way, from my tiny corner of the planet.

      Best wishes back to you!

    1. I know! it’s so… neat. It affirms that creativity breeds more creativity, and that creativity is a valuable tool for messaging.
      Or… something like that. I’m not a writer so sometimes my words are off kilter.
      Thank you, Dave!

      1. “…creativity breeds more creativity” and “creativity is a valuable tool for messaging” — so true, Resa!

        Actually, you ARE a writer (in addition to being a designer, photographer, etc.!)

  1. How wonderful that your post inspired Trent to create this wonderful song filled with such a powerful message.

    Way to go Trent!

    You keep inspiring our circle, Sorceress. It’s a beautiful thing.

    1. Yes, creativity inspiring creativity is fabulous.
      I love Trent’s song and video. He picked up one of John’s torches that were left behind.

      Be nice if it could circle the world, again.

      Thunder… thank you!
      Now I’m inspired to finish the “Gown-In” post.
      Holly and I came up with the term “Love-up”!

      Drawing roller skates isn’t easy! LOL! You’ll see!

      1. Absolutely. It is the best. And Trent did a fabulous job.

        It would be really nice.

        You are always welcome, Sorceress. Woo hoo! Can’t wait to see.

        Can’t imagine how you do it. But you will. xoxoxo

  2. Hope that some of the world leaders and industies, well all should be reading this, including their followers, that is all we need is peace and love…the planet as a whole would be better of if they do.

    1. World leaders? Hmm world pied pipers of destruction… lol!
      Many years ago it seemed like peace and love would work. Slowly, it faded away. I think Lennon’s death had something to do with people forgetting.
      Best to you, Jean Marc! xo

      1. I was being polite by letting them be leaders, or would be leaders..:D Yes even around 1990…I was almost slightly hopeful, but since it just went down the pipe, war never left but it is way more present now, the environment and climate won’t recover for at least a century, even if we start acting now, not a chance; right wing governments and dictators ruled too many countries, and Trump might be back…that’s it I going back to my birth planet, or at least try to think not too much about this one and draw or paint…hope the picture I just painted, in words, is not too depressing…:D

        1. Your words are the thoughts of 1/2 the first world population.
          Art is the way out, for us.
          For others… well… the way out could be perilous.
          “Peace and love” need to make an encore! xx

          1. Yes I guess we are condemned to seek refuge in Art..:D, may as well do it every day and keep spreading those two marvelous words..and finally set up my atelier in the new appart…:) Take care Resa and to the next time.

    2. Even in the darkest of hours there is hope, and for me, where there is art, there is hope. Even if that spark of light and color doesn’t stave off the darkness of more trump, it may be a seed to to build on when the darkness passes, for the darkness always does pass… Yes, Resa’s posts and comments in her posts often inspire me 😉

      1. Yes, it is true, we have to keep hope and appreciate the beautiful art, like the one shared on Resa’s blog, always a nice place to go, share, look, read, lot of inspiring people visiting her site and commenting.

  3. Pingback: Let’s All Join In | Trent's World (the Blog)

    1. We do need more love and peace int he world. Not sure if our little contribution will be more than a ripple, but perhaps it will be part of those butterfly wings changing the weather on the other side of the world..

    1. Hey Brad,
      Yes, that would be nice.
      It seemed long ago, after WWII, it was catching on. Then in 1980, Lennon died. Things began to turn in a different direction. Now, we are here in war and hate.

    1. Agree, greed is a potent reason for many things, mostly negative.
      Yes, thank you! I’m lovin’ the Lennon message.
      He tried for a better world in his life and work.

    2. Greed might be at the root of it, but a lot is coming from those people greedy for power twisting many of the common folk and using fear and false causes to make them angry and hateful. I wish there was a way to open their eyes to how they are being manipulated to the detriment of the world, but all I can do is sing these songs of peace and love 🙂

  4. Resa and Trent – your brilliant collaboration is a wonderful example of fostering hope and resilience in a perilously divided world. This post sheds light in dark places, creating a sense of unity and optimism in us all!!! I love the call and response of this duet between the two of you. WOW!!!

    1. Thank you dear Rebecca!

      The opportunity presented itself, so we went with the flow.
      You are right, the world is perilously divided.
      Lennon’s main art was his music. It has not forgotten him, and thusly we do not forget his message of peace and love.

      It’s time for the pendulum to swing back that way.

    2. Thanks, Rebecca! It’s always great to share thoughts and ideas, and when they resonate like talking about Lennon and his vision did with us, it always turns out great 🙂

    1. Thank you, Gi!

      I know it’s an uphill battle, bit I’m so sick of all the hate I see around.

      I appreciate knowing there are still those who think and feel as I do. xoxo

  5. Such a beautiful artwork of Lennon. You posted such a timely and relevant message of peace. Trent’s music is amazing , he has channeled Lennon beautifully. Wonderful collaboration, hopefully we will find a path to peace one day.
    Dear Meece, this is my second comment but I can’t find the initial one so I’m having a say again. Don’t know what happened to it.
    keep the peace train rolling.


    1. Agree. There’s so much hate, war, and potential war around that I need somewhere else beautiful and positive to go.

      Trent did a great thing with his song and I love what he did with the Lennon art in the video.

      And so the Peace Train will roll to our Gown-In and Love-Up!
      About 1/2 way through drawings. I’m using water colour, so I have to keep blotting and piling big heavy books on top until dry. (sometimes overnight)
      Otherwise the paper curls.
      So, now I’ve got 2 books of paper going.

      First RR (need 2) done
      AGM Dale done.
      AGM Shey done.
      AGM Holly done.
      RB is done!
      AGM Gi 90% done.
      AGM Marina 60% done.
      First BP – 50% (need 2)

      Whew! Then any bg’s I want to add.

      Okay, will send RB (wait ’til you see her outfit!) and AGM Dale later.

      I did check Spam and your first try to comment is not in there. So… no worries.

      xoxoxoxo 🚂 ❦❦

      1. I don’t know how you do it, Every post is spectacular and would take me forever. You really are amazing. This is such a needed topic and you and Trent have created magic to bring it to the forefront.
        I can barely remember when the warfronts were quiet, just for a while, and now it’s as though the world is on fire with hatred and revenge. I try not to think about it too much (of course I have to stay on top of what is happening) but I worry like everyone, esp with a young son that these old gray haired power mongers don’t mind a bit sending off to fight their war.

        I ‘m looking forward to the Love-up, I think it is in order. A bit of love and lightness. You are painting your fingers to the bone ( a bone emoji right here). Take care sweet Meece!

  6. Beautiful written song. We loved the way you bring out Peace in your bloggie, Resa☮ We believe that when we make Peace with ourselves, you can see Peace in the outside. Double Pawkisses for a Peaceful Day🐾😽💞

    1. Cheers to Love and Peace!
      I’m about 50% of the way through the AGM Marina drawing for the Gown-In – Love-Up on Art Gowns.
      I can hardly wait!

  7. Absolutely wonderful! I love when we can inspire each other in the blogging community, which sends a ripple of inspiration outwards. Much needed in our world today. Kudos to you both, Resa and Trent. To peace and love! 🙏❤️

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