The Two Heras

At first it seemed like another pretty face in the midst of graffiti mayhem.

Then there’s this eyepatch with a crab.

Turns out Cancer, the crab, was sent by goddess Hera to distract Hercules while he battled Hydra.

Suddenly the Hera pendant makes total sense. Goddess Hera is alive and well in Graffiti Alley.

Hera is also the goddess, who lives with my pal, Marina – Art Towards a Happy Day

Here, Hera is alive and well and living as a beautiful dog.

Taking the drawing of Hera that Marina did, I combined it with the image below,

…. to create the header for this post: The Two Heras

Hera drawing © Marina Kanavaki

Pics taken by Resa – May 29, 2024

Toronto, Canada

The Hera alley artist: Not sure at this time

For Hera and Marina(& Socrates) on their Anniversary

June 18th is Hera’s Gotcha Day. I’m not sure how many years ago it was, but I do know Hera has had about a million years of love since.

126 thoughts on “The Two Heras

    1. Aww, Thank you Annika! This is a lovely comment.

      Having fun with art makes life work for me, and I think many. Lol, I thinks all the arts make life richer for all of us. ❦🌹❦

    1. Merril,

      I was confused about the crab eye patch. Was Hera the name of the artist? When making the post I looked up how Hera might be connected to the crab, or Cancer astrological sign. Learning is endless. Yay!

      Of course I can’t think of the goddess Hera without thinking of Marina’s Hera.

    1. Thanks Dave!

      That eye was what caught me, half an alley away. Hmm, so it seems that the eye is “people catching” art as well. 👁💓🎨

  1. This is why you are the Sorceress! Wonderful captures and including Hera with Hera, well… just simply brilliant.

    Always wonderful what you bring us to enjoy.

    1. Thank you, dear Thunder!
      It is serendipitous that I found this so close to Hera’s “Gotcha Day”.

      I like your last sentence, a lot! This blog was intended to be entertainment, enjoyment via art.

  2. Great combination of Marina’s drawing and the street art.

    The graffiti Hera is pretty cool. There is a part of the doorway that looks like a scar on her face, which, together with her name/heart (which looks like a tat), turns her into something else – she looks like she had it rough, but is coming back stronger than ever.

    Of course Marina’s Hera is a great little goddess. Of course Marina herself is a wonderful artist, so no wonder I like the sketch. Early happy Gotcha Day to Hera!

    I like the Lennon version of this song. I am more used to the original, but John did a great job.

    1. Trent,
      You are right about the “scar”. Painting over hinges, knobs, drain pipes, etc. is both a beauty and a bane of street art.
      Yes, the rough but coming back is something I like too. I found this piece to be quite alluring.

      Lennon, omg… several years ago I thought I saw a John Lennon head painted in a doorway. I was driving by.
      I’ve been back to that area several times over the last few years, but could never find it. Maybe I dreamt it? I’ve done that…. dreamt of art that doesn’t actually exist.

      I was back there yesterday, and found it…weathered and flaking. It’s gorgeous.

      1. Weather and flaking – doesn’t matter, I hope you got a photo! Even if you didn’t, I am sure you are thrilled to find that it really existed.
        Yes, Lennon is one of my favorites. Paul could/can spin a melody like no other, but John had one of the most creative minds of the 20th century.

        1. I got photos!
          I’ll post it soon…flakes and all.
          Hey, do you have a fave Lennon song? I’ll use it, if it’s on Youtube.
          So far- Jealous Guy came to mind….but that’s only because I heard the fabulous Brian Ferry version the other day.
          Lennon did have a brilliant mind.
          He remains my fave Beatle, post Beatles.
          Ringo is a second. He became so utterly entertaining.

          1. Ringo? No,no, no, I don’t listen no more; I’m tired of waking up on the floor. No thank you please, it only makes me sneeze, etc. etc. etc. Sorry, I just had to 😉
            I’m pretty boring and mostly like Lennon’s most popular tunes. From the Beatles, I really like “I am the Walrus”. Solo, even more boring – “Imagine”. I guess at this time in my life it should be “Watching the Wheels”, but… lol, no I think I am doing more than watching the wheels go round…

              1. I started with the ones we talked about, moved to “Mind Games” (great!) and then to “Instant Karma” (We All Shine On – what a phrase!!). I think “Woman” came up next and then “Starting Over” and then I just let it run without paying attention… I recently listened to “Give Peace a Chance” and “War is Over” so I skipped those, but both great.

                1. Okay, think about it … no rush… I’m not posting it for a week or so, but you pick the song! That’s the song I’ll put with the post.
                  Thank you!

                  1. Hmm, my first thought was “Instant Karma”, but I just went back and listened to a few and I think it has to be “Mind Games”. Even when it was released, it was deemed nostalgic, a feeling that comes across even stronger now. And it has all of the classic Lennon philosophies about peace, love and being positive – “YES is the answer” with that it’s up tot he individual to change the world philosophy. Part of the nostalgia is that it has an almost Beatles feel to it while being 100% a Lennon solo work – almost like those two songs from The Beatles Anthology in the 1990s that were Lennon demos finished by the other three, only this is 100 times better. It is also odd (to me) that it is a super simple song musically – the music is just the road John’s ideas ride on to get to their destination. Anyway, “Mind Games” is my pick 🙂

                    1. Listening to “Mind Games” right now.

                      Funny, I thought you might pick “Instant Karma”. (I like the production values…slick for the time)
                      I am impressed by your most thoughtful answer, Trent.
                      As a matter of fact, I want to use part or all of this comment in the post.
                      Not everyone is able to put into words why they picked a certain song… or anything for that matter.

                      If you like, I can let you see the post before it’s published, and how I use your words.
                      “Mind Games” it is.

                    2. Yes, that is the version I listened to. I don’t think I ever really paid attention to the words of “Mind Games” – I thought it was a negative, like you are messing with my mind, but it is extremely positive. And, sure you can include my thoughts in your post.
                      “Instant Karma” is such a great song and I did almost pick it, but I do think “Mind Games” is more appropriate here.
                      In choosing I had to make sure I knew why I was choosing, so I had to put it into words, which is what I shared with you 🙂

  3. Woof! I Woof you to the Moowoofn, auntie Resa! Sending a sea of slobberies! Woof! ❤️🐾❤️

    Dahling, that is so sweet and what a find! Hera’s all over the place. Get your swim suit out! She’s uncontrollable!

    Love what you did with the mural!

    This year Hera’s Gotcha Day will be celebrated among cardboard boxes but don’t tell her that! 😉

    Looooooove and a huge hug!


    1. Hera!
      You are soooo loved!
      Dahling, I think Hera will love the boxes. She’ll get to investigate! Of course, it will be a “Gotcha” surprise.
      What serendipitous fun to find a Hera at this time.
      Making that mashed-up mural was FUN.

      Loooooove back!

    1. Thanks Frank!
      Hera’s going to love those tummy rubs.
      Imagine finding Hera’s anniversary in a Toronto alley. What luck!
      Cheers to the day!

    1. LOL! Yes… I had no idea. Must be though, because there are 2 gods a bit further along.
      Hmm, as we all know, the gods can behave badly, and there is some nasty graffiti in this alley.
      It’s all coming together! 🤗

    1. Thank you dear John!

      I adore Marina. She loves Hera something fierce. Then again, you know all about loving yours. They really get under our skin. ❦🌹🐂🐂🌹❦

  4. The eye of Hera jumped out at me, Resa, – like a real eye embedded in the wall of graffiti, something supernatural. And the collage with Marina’s four-footed Hera is lovely. And I’ve never heard the term “Gotcha Day.” That’s a keeper!

    1. Agree Diana, that eye is …hypnotic.
      It lured me into the graffiti mayhem, to find the face.
      Hera is a lucky doggie. She was a rescue, and since Marina has known love, love and love.
      Definitely a keeper!

    1. Thanks Gi!
      It’s so exciting to go for art walks. I love what can be found, what is found.
      Then, sharing it is a double up on the joy. ❤️😘❤️

            1. Not yet.. I’ve only had time to go to see 2. I’m really busy.
              One had an ageist attitude. The other had a distinct style, very heavy metal, even on lettering and with flowers.
              Honestly, the prices are outrageous!
              I’ll keep looking! xx

    1. Ohh, thank you Liz! This was definitely a fun post to do.
      I know I mostly rely on the photos to tell the story, but there was for sure more to this one.

  5. Love the combination of the Two Beautiful Hera’s and I am certain Marina’s Hera is worshiped like a Goddess Resa.. Love the art…
    And the Myth… xx
    Sending Both of you much love xx 💖 and Tickled ears to Hera xx 💖

  6. A powerful visual message, Resa. This is the third time around for me!! In all of Greek Mythology, Hera has always been my favouite heroine. As the queen of the gods and the goddess of marriage and childbirth, she has a strong and assertive personality in her role as a protector of women and families. Your post brings out a love of our four legged family members. I agree – Hera has had about a million years of love!!

    I will be celebrating Hera’s Gotcha Day on June 18th, which happens to be Don and my wedding anniversary. I love how serendipity works.

    1. Mythology is yet another avenue of information that I am only so/so educated in.

      Still, when I find bits of art like this, I begin looking things up, and learn more.

      Matter of fact there is a god up the alley. He’s all hot pink. Crazy, but I met the artist fixing it up after it was tagged. He let me take his pic with the art.

      Geez, Rebecca, my photo files are brimming with street art.

      Anyway, you’ll be getting an email from me in a day or 2.

      I have a Sarah Biffin post almost ready. I had thought maybe it would just be 1 post on Self Portraits, but you dig up so much info, it’s looking like a series. I’m working on a special header for the series.

      You know, if there is an artist or 2 where not much info is available, they can be in a 2 fer post.


      Be nice to publish one on or around the 18th. NO pressure!

    1. Hey Robbie,
      I agree with you. The eyes and lips were what drew me in for a closer look.
      Marina is a fabulous artist.
      You recognize the talent, because it takes one to know one!

  7. Gorgeous mural!! I love what you did by combining the two Heras, stunning! The eyes always get me… so expressive!

    Happy anniversary to your cutie pup, too, looks adorable with the red flower!

      1. You are so artistic, thanks for sharing your art with all of us!

        I don’t have a pet now but I did when I was growing up, a tan and white Pekingese dog named Floppy 🙂

  8. Aww, this is fabulous in every way, Resa! An amazing piece of art, and we (Copper too) love Marina’s Hera! Marina’s drawing is incredible and so is yours! Happy Gotcha Day to Hera, and I know that day made a huge, positive difference in everyone’s life! Hugs to you and Marina, and lots of slobbery kisses from Copper to beautiful Hera! ❤️🧽🧽🐶🐶🐾❤️

    1. Woof!
      It was such fab serendipity to find a Hera so close to her “Gotcha Day”
      I’m quite prepared with sponges now, for your doggies’ slobbery love kisses.
      More boxes of sponges are on their way!

  9. Heras of the Day!

    This one is so multi-faceted Resa. You discover one thing and then you find another, and then another. Proof that art is every bit the same as a good book!

    1. OR… a good book is every bit the same as art.
      Actually… a good book is art.
      I think of the arts.. writing, painting, drawing, dance, sculpture, photography, etc. as a life blood.
      Writing blog posts can be creative art. especially for some (like you!)

      Hey, I apologize for breaking down and turning the game on last night. I had it on for about a minute, then the Panthers scored.
      I accept the blame.


      1. It IS art, you’re right.

        Thank you lovely.

        Nope, we watched too. Hopefully, the Oilers will find another gear tonight. And that Florida goalie will prove human!

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