Mahsa Amini

Lest we forget, Mahsa -22 years old –

…..was arrested in Iran for not wearing her hijab according to law.

She died in rehabilitation/detention, setting off protests unlike the country had seen before.

This post is dedicated to Aladin – Lamp Magician, who left Iran many years ago.

From time to time, he posts about Mahsa, and the plight of Iranian women.

I never know what I’ll find in an alley.

Woman. Life. Freedom

Pics taken by Resa – May 29, 2024

Toronto, Canada

The Arists:

100 thoughts on “Mahsa Amini

  1. Resa, a powerful work of art and what a beautiful and stunning image of such a brave young woman. The look in her eyes says it all. It is incredible what you find down an alleyway and truly reminds one how much we take for granted, the freedoms we women thankfully enjoy in our own lives.

    1. I agree, Annika.
      Not all of the art I find is so political, but it always manages to say something, even if it’s just “look at me I’m pretty”.
      This work is political and speaking loudly.
      Yes, we are so lucky to live where women are almost equal to men.
      Yay for the alleys and their art!

    1. So many women have so few rights on this planet.
      AND in some countries where we have solid rights, there are attempts to turn the clock backwards.
      Anyway, dry your wee eyes! Luv ya Shey!

        1. Hmm, and who do we think are turning the clock backwards?

          Anyway..elections in Canada in a year. 2 ways to vote really. 1- for the party that protects human rights and the environment, but cannot handle the economy and continuously raises taxes.


          The guys that are part of turning the clock back, but will do better with the economy.

          You’d think there would be a leader/party that could do both.


          1. No-one in politics has any ethics. What they have is arrogance by the spadeful. They have all of them forgotten they are here to serve us not the other way about. For the first time ever I am politically homeless. The Scottish gov here just ram through whatever, mainly policies and laws that no-one wants. They have wrecked the country in many ways. Splashed money everywhere they can on utter rubbish and now you can hardly get your bins emptied. Oh and did I mention they have pauchled…..nicked..their own funds from supporters so are now in a poor way to fight the forthcoming election . All beyond belief.

            1. True words!

              I keep asking people here…”Doesn’t the government work for us?”
              The (cowardly) citizens have allowed our government employees to bully and oppress us.
              Not sure how this all happened.
              So, why did our forefathers flee oppression (taxation/ royalty/wealthy classes/ religious persecution) in Europe….STEAL Canada from its original inhabitants, struggle for 2 and a half centuries, only to end up back at the beginning?
              The November election in the USA is going to have important ramifications here.
              Luv ya!

              1. Spot on my friend. Here the SNP the party that handed unprecedented power to another party with a handful of votes electorarily speaking, in order to make sure all their legislation was passed– a party the electorate would have voted for, if they had wanted them and their prominent members who are proper banjos, in power– have brought in a law that even tries to tell us what we can say in our own homes. You cannot legislate thought. But world wide govs think they can. I think close eyes are being kept on elections worldwide. I cannot even vote tactically cos there’s not one party I agree with. Just when you think you can bit the bullet and do that they shoot themselves in the foot. The only party I would vote for which is Alba, just isn’t big enough. Just great to talk to someone else in another part of the globe sharing the same probs.

    1. Welcome Merril! It is a lovely tribute.
      I was not expecting to find something so political on my walk yesterday.

      I found a Hera and a big blue bird… they’re gorgeous, but this wanted to be posted.

  2. Wow!!!!! I am speechless! It is a terrific surprise, my lovely Resa. I know that many Iranians are active in Canada (e.g., Toronto), but this amazing art is something very special. Thank you!🙏🙏🤗🤙✊💖💖

      1. Thank you very much, dear Rebecca. I know you and your sister are passionate about the rights of those young girls and boys: gratitude and greetings.🙏🥰💖🙏

    1. Aladin,
      I thought of you immediately when I found this art. It is special.
      It is also special is that I live in a city that has a network of alleys where we are free to express opinions on a wall.
      I know you care about your birth country, and its women. I thank you for speaking about it.
      Be well! 🙏🙏🤗🤙✊💖💖

      1. That is great! It is terrific to have a Network to discuss these excellent arts. I am so happy getting to know you, my lovely friend. Be safe and well.💖💖💖🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹💥💕😘

    1. I guess the some of the street artists are in a political mood these days.

      She died for a stupid reason, unless you are theocratical power monger. So, I share.

      Hmm, I was about to say I found a stunning giant blue dove, as well. That’s not political? Still, it’s in Graffiti Alley, where I found this, and the dove is carrying an olive branch.
      Suddenly, I see a political message in that, too.

      1. I think it’s a good thing when they are (not all, of course because that would get tedious!)

        Yes, she did. And a good thing you did share, Sorceress.

        Yes, I think it is political…

        Graffiti alley is an endless fount of discoveries!

        1. Okay… next post, just for fun!

          Lol… of course when it comes to art, it’s all subjective. Unless, the artist has officially spilled the beans.


  3. Such a sad story of where the law, religion and personal choice/freedoms clash – especially in a time when peoples’ attitudes are changing so much. A fabulous tribute to Mahsa though…thanks for bringing her story/mural to my attention.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Tyeth!
      I’m so happy to not live in a theocracy.
      Yes, it is a fabulous mural tribute to Mahsa. Too bad it was needed at all.
      Best to you!

    1. Thank you, Diana!
      Aladin popped right into my mind when I saw this. He has done his small bit to keep the story alive.
      I never know whit I’m going to find. hugs

    1. Difficult to say, Liz.
      It’s not likely to be tagged over, as it is in Graffiti Alley. However sun, wind, rain, sleet, crumbling brick and snow will eventually erode it. All outdoor art is ephemeral.

      This is why I’m a bit obsessed with preserving it in photographs.

    1. Yes! Poor thing…and all because of a scarf.

      Speaking of which, I found a face I love in the alley, same day I found this.
      It’s one of those faces I love, surrounded by a mess of tags and low grade graffiti.
      Her name is Hera, and she has a crab patch over 1 eye.

      It’s for you and Hera, when I post it. Probably my next post.


    1. Oh.. to be free.
      I just said to Holly, in terms of women’s freedoms in the US, it was more like 1 step forward and 2 steps back. As opposed to 2 steps forward, 1 step back.

      Yes, I too wish all misogynists & patriarchal supporters would vanish.
      Unfortunately many women are included in this backwards thinking.
      Fortunately, not all men are.

      1. That’s the truth. Unfortunately, in the US government and institutions of power white men, mostly old and rich, still rule and women have little to not voice at all. Greed is what this country is all about.

        1. Yes, greed, and power. Those who have power have the ability to be greedy.
          That would be true in all situations, big and small.
          Subjugation of women goes back to caves.
          Aristotle and Darwin espoused, with their illogical logic, women’s lesserness.

          No wonder you say they don’t teach at schools. They brainwash with the ideas of dead men.

  4. The story of Mahsa is the story of women under sharia law. Countries who align with such countries are fascist/ dictatorships.
    We are fighting for women’s rights in American right now against the far right. Thank you for finding this courageous wall art and displaying it.

    1. That is true! Theocracy is nothing but religious fascism.

      I know you are struggling with women’s rights in America. That’s so sad.
      Usually it’s 2 steps forward, 1 step back.
      Right now it seems the opposite – 1 step forward, 2 steps back.
      The coming election will say a lot.

      trump being legally found a felon just seems to be riling up the authoritarians. It’s scary.
      What are they thinking?
      I fear many will realize Joni’s words if he’s elected – “Don’t it always seem to go
      That you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone”.

      On a brighter note… sent you a drawing! AGM Holly!

      1. If he gets relected it says a lot about us here. That many of us will look the other way and allow a liar and criminal ( and a felon) to sit at the highest level of our country based purely on their desire to carry out hatred and prejudicial agendas . We can only wait and hope and vote blue.

        Running over to mail !

            1. I know!

              It’s like watching a disaster movie…and there’s no Bruce Willis or Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger to save us.

              Still, I adore you and Gi and some others. You will be the heroes!


              I’m gonna go draw!

  5. Hello Resa! Beautiful mural, thank you for highlighting Mahsa whose life was taken so tragically and waaay too soon. It’s heartbreaking to see how women are so poorly treated in Iran and other Moslem countries… may Iranian women + women allies continue to shine a light on injustice so that one day freedom could be a reality.

    1. Yes, a wonderful mural tribute, Ruth.
      It’s true, many women around the world are treated poorly.
      We must also shine a light, so women’s rights do not go backwards where we live.
      There are movements afoot that want to take our rights away.
      It is and will be a struggle for a time to come.
      Be well!

  6. Resa – this is a wonderful tribute to Mahsa Amini. I followed this story closely. Mahsa is a symbol of courage and resilience. The mural artist eloquently captured the essence of Mahsa’ spirit. This post is a treasure – thank you.

    1. I agree, Rebecca.
      I’m fortunate to have found this, and seen it up close and personal.

      I do believe this is another case of “Art Remembers Us”.

      Perhaps not exactly in the original mode of thought I had, but nonetheless, a valid example.

  7. Methinks you know how the art world really works. Great masterpieces live in the most famous museums in the world and yes, this is wonderful for humankind. But that’s only the beginning, and you find these beautiful works in the beating heart of your town, and that is just special.

    These colors are so vibrant! She’s a living, breathing being, I believe that.

    1. There is something about street art that intoxicates me.
      I’d rather walk in an alley with nothing but harsh graffiti and tags than the main street.
      (I usually find 1 good piece)

      Okay, the odd rat runs by, even a day time raccoon or 2. Still, it’s 5 degrees cooler on a hot summer day, and way quieter.

      I’m glad you like this mural. It is vibrant, and perfect for Mahsa.


      1. Your finds are just brilliant, Resa.

        It’s where you find your best stuff, because you know where to look and you know why.

        They are better company, no?

        It’s beautiful.


    1. Debby!
      This is in Graffiti Alley , running behind Queen W. between Spadina and Bathurst.

      I was just there a few days earlier, and it wasn’t there. You never know who’s painting what, where, when.
      So, I just keep walking, searching and taking pics!

  8. Not a chance we should ever forget. Not with the tyrants coming out of the shadows everywhere.

    I know I shouldn’t say that on another blog, but let me try to put it in a diplomatic manner (not my forte). French congresspeople have waved a “foreign” flag in side our Congress. I have not seen then waving a Ukrainian flag.

    Or let me put it another way: What if half the protests across western universities had asked for immediate ceasefire in Ukraine? Okay, let’s make it a quarter. And another quarter of said protests would have asked for immediate halt of repression in Iran?

    Okay. Sorry for ranting. I’ve also read a few comments along the way, the US is heading towards electing a convicted felon? Excuse me?

    (I’m trying to draw something else as therapy… LOL)

    Thanks for the art and the post Resa. 🙏🏻💕

    1. You’re welcome Brian!

      I’m as sick to my stomach as you are about the political shenanigans going on.

      I just caught a piece of the orange turd, as I was leaving the bedroom for my office.

      He was spewing the most volatile hate, and plans for revenge. It’s worse with every passing day.
      He has many politicians either brainwashed or come out of their evil shells promising to help him WHEN he wins in November. (otherwise it’s rigged)

      I wake up each morning in the hope he has been a nightmare.

      Should he win in November, I fear America is finished.

      YES, I’m drawing tonight. too!

      1. Thank you Resa.
        At least I don’t “catch” him on TV or radio. I don’t watch/listen to either. But I do get his ugly mug in the French press I get on-line.
        Should he, should he? It’s not just America that’s finished, I would say it’s the West.
        Fingers crossed…

  9. Hi Resa, this artwork is beyond beautiful, and no, we will not forget. What a tragedy to say the least. And it’s inspiring to learn about your blogging friend too. It is truly amazing the talent you find in alleyways, but I’m glad you do! And when the artwork conveys significant messages, their beauty blossoms.

    I also couldn’t help but read your comment above, and it’s not my style to talk politics in blogland or on any social media. But I’ll just say that the upcoming election has my family and friends shaking in our boots! A convicted felon is allowed to run for president, to lead a country. What is wrong with this scenario? He has a cult following and they are scary! We continue to scratch our heads! We are fearful. Simply put. Argh!

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful pieces, and for ‘listening’ to me vent. xoxoxo

    1. Dear Lauren,
      I agree. Blogging is not a political platform for me.
      However, this piece of art is highly politically charged, and brings out. those kinds of thoughts.
      I wake up every morning in hope “he” died while I was sleeping.
      Your “vent” isn’t a vent. It’s a fear of half of the free world right now.

      Anyway..sunny day! Yahoo!

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