The Two Heras

At first it seemed like another pretty face in the midst of graffiti mayhem.

Then there’s this eyepatch with a crab.

Turns out Cancer, the crab, was sent by goddess Hera to distract Hercules while he battled Hydra.

Suddenly the Hera pendant makes total sense. Goddess Hera is alive and well in Graffiti Alley.

Hera is also the goddess, who lives with my pal, Marina – Art Towards a Happy Day

Here, Hera is alive and well and living as a beautiful dog.

Taking the drawing of Hera that Marina did, I combined it with the image below,

…. to create the header for this post: The Two Heras

Hera drawing © Marina Kanavaki

Pics taken by Resa – May 29, 2024

Toronto, Canada

The Hera alley artist: Not sure at this time

For Hera and Marina(& Socrates) on their Anniversary

June 18th is Hera’s Gotcha Day. I’m not sure how many years ago it was, but I do know Hera has had about a million years of love since.