74 thoughts on “Turn Off Your Mind

    1. I believe so, Rebecca.
      Lol, I’m sure it doesn’t mean we need to shut our minds off and plant flowers in our brains.
      ….. or maybe ……..

  1. Gotcha! …just as I was getting ready to ‘shut down’!
    Yep… mind blowing, Tim!
    As for that switch… it’s so easy to find that it usually eludes us! 😉
    Great find, dahling!!!

    1. Darn switch!!!!
      When I saw the little bird, I thought it might be a subliminal message to shut off Twitter.
      My OFF switch is when I’m sewing my Art Gowns. I also have a dimmer switch for when I go for long walks looking for street art.
      OMG! Hera must be asleep!
      For you – 🌹🌸🌼💐🌷🌻🌺🌹🌸🌼💐🌷🌻🌺🌹🌸🌼💐🌷🌻🌺🌹🌸🌼💐🌷🌻🌺🌹🌸🌼💐🌷🌻🌺

      1. Switches a work!!!!!
        Hera sends… slobbery kisses… lots of them! You do know what that means! 😉 🧽!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    1. I agree Michel!
      I just walk down the streets of Toronto, and find a lot of art.
      I’m thankful the city and residents love the art, and allow the artists to paint. Often the city supplies the paint. ❤

    1. Oh good! Art is neat that way. Each piece evokes different thoughts and/or emotions in different people. I was quite happy to find this.

  2. Hi Resa, seems like the message is “Switch off your mind….and ascend the staircase to a plane of higher consciousness”. Seriously though I like the colour palette of this artwork, it just works with the colour of the wall beneath.

    1. It’s a wonderful piece, Tyeth. I’m glad you got to see it.
      I like the idea that if we shut our mind off, we ascend to a higher plane. It’s so Zen!
      Fab thought!

      1. Hello Resa, the meditations of Zen practitioners and the Jedi share some similarities it seems. Jedi are taught to “calm your mind and focus on the moment”.
        It must be down to the Zen Pizza I had recently…I went into the pizzeria and asked for a pizza. The owner asked what toppings I wanted and I replied, “Make me one with Everything”

    1. Thanks Gi! The photo is pre-pandemic. I haven’t had my pic taken since. I decided to grow out my grey, not dye my hair anymore. My hair is long, so it’s going to take a bit more time to look right.
      So, I’m using up any pic within 5/6 years.

    1. Yes, I will find it! Hopefully this is the spring I can get outta my hood. I need for the TTC to be safe again, so I can get into other areas of the city. At least I live in an street art rich area.
      Sent a Gi zombie & effigy of RR zombie! xoxoxo

        1. Ah, the AGM zombies! Producers wanted to cast them for some zombie TV shows and movies. One Eye put her foot down. Said the gowns would be ruined by the end of the shoot. ❤ ❤

                1. Not sure! We will have to get to the bottom of it in a story line. Great reminder, Meece. I will do a 1-Eye zombie drawing!!! xoxoxo lol

      1. I’m concerned, young Resa. You see my dandelion head may be my downfall. You see, dandelion flowers are a great addition to pancakes or fritters, and there’s a fat bloke down the road who lives on such scoff. Should my head get scoffed by fat bloke, that’s me out of the game. I need to think this through. Regards, TOF

        1. OMG! TOF!
          You mean your head could look like deep fried batter soon?
          Not a good look. I suggest not walking by his home. Go the other way!

    1. It was a thrill finding this.

      It’s a wonderful thing that Toronto, and other cities, promote street art. Many artists have gone onto professional arts careers, because they got noticed in the streets.
      It is so difficult for all artists to get noticed, especially on internet. There are millions of artists, writers, musicians, sculptors, etc. online.
      There is something simple, tangible, personal and awe inspiring to see it for real on a wall, door or anything in the street.

      I have a black door beside our home. I was writing poetry on it. I want to pick that up again in the spring. 💙

  3. Beautiful, I love the addition of the little bird in flight – it makes me think like it is not that much about turning your mind of completely, just the settings which they tend to be on right now – and explore imagination for something different and inspiring.

    1. This is an excellent comment, thank you!
      Lol! When I saw the bird I thought….Turn Your Twitter Off!!!
      It’s like you say, we are in charge of our own settings.

    1. Great artists are painting in the streets. It’s one way to get noticed. It seems to be working for our Toronto artists. Many have gone on to do shows and make money.
      You stay safe too, Martha! xo

    1. Thank you, Eddie!
      I thought a lot about this while I shot it, and after when I looked at the pics.
      There is a message within, and it abounds without!

    1. Agree, it’s a wonderful piece of art, with a message!
      I finished the book. EPIC!!! I quite enjoyed it.
      So, I want to do one of my street art style reviews, if that’s okay with you?
      Yes, I actually found some pics that can work.
      I can’t seem to do a regular style review. I’ll be by soon. If I want to ask you a couple of questions for it, may I email you at the address connected to your WP account?

      1. Oh my YES, of course. Your reviews are artwork, Resa. And I’d be delighted to answer a couple of questions (that email works). You just got me dancing with your wonderful comment and offer. I can’t smile any wider. Hugs.

  4. I like how the artist incorporates the stairway into it, as though the man is coming out if it almost! He’s flowering for sure.. 😉 !

  5. Oh, how beautiful this one is! And I love the message. It would be nice to just relax a bit, eh? Turn things off and just be – not forever coz that would be ridiculous, but how ’bout a few minutes per day?

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