Over The Mountains ☆Under The Stars☆

In an alley I frequent, I found 11 new pieces today.

I’m still overwhelmed, as it has been 4 years since any new art, and I was there 3 days ago.

What was painted over the weekend is breathtaking. Here’s one Easy Rider! 😀

Pics taken by Resa – July 24, 2017

Toronto, Canada

The Artist: Monica On The Moon

27 thoughts on “Over The Mountains ☆Under The Stars☆

    1. Thank you, Jet! This summer is proving to be a bumper crop of new street art! I’ll visit you tomorrow, as I have a dinner date tonight, and as I have a rule “no blogging after drinking wine” I won’t be back on my computer tonight! At least I shouldn’t be! 😀

    1. Motorcycles are very cool. 😀 They seem dangerous in the city of Toronto, though. The traffic is so heavy, and the lanes aren’t that wide. I’d be afraid of losing a leg! . 😀

  1. I’m overwhelmed too, Resa. There must be an eternal source of inspiration in the area and that’s very heartwarming, interesting and life affirming ❤
    Beautiful photos ❤

    1. If one can’t live in nature, might as well live in art! LOL ❤ I'm so happy you see the beauty in my life, as there is so much in yours! ❤ Take care my sweet!

    1. I go outside, and walk, mostly down alleys. Sometime I take a streetcar, or the subway to another part of the city and walk around. I never come home empty handed! There should be more street art in Manchester! You’re being culturally starved! I’ve heard there’s a lot of fab art in London, Maybe it will spread?

      1. London is enormous. Manchester is wee by comparison, but I have seen bits and bobs around. It’s often blocked out by construction work, unfortunately. Innit.

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