Kanos – Cellograff Art

Alex Kanos is from Paris France.

Artist: Kanos
Artist: Kanos

Being a talented graphic & street artist wasn’t enough, so Kanos developed a new art. He has had this art form copyrighted or trademarked. (Can’t remember which)

Artist: Kanos
Artist: Kanos

It begins with scrunched up lengths of cellophane, which are then spray painted first with black. The horizontal streaks are cellophane scrunches.

Artist: Kanos
Artist: Kanos

He then adds color. Here red & dabs of yellow are added to the front.

Artist: Kanos
Artist: Kanos

Finally, purple was added to the back. It shows through to the front. There are other creative applications. Check out Kanos Website to see.

Artist: Kanos
Artist: Kanos

“FESTIVAL” was his second piece, & completed on the 2nd day. The piece he began on the 1st day was cut in half by hooligans during the night. They were caught & slept in jail.

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The “F” is near the top of the post. The slideshow features “ESTIVAL”

Kanos #10
Artist: Kanos

To enjoy more of his work give Kanos on Instagram a discovery.

TY sweet artist!

Pics take by Resa  – August 13 & 14, 2016

Cambridge, Ontario

Csf1 #9

Also, Angels’ kisses & many Thank You’s to Brian Price & Linda Daniher- Festival Organizers

& big thank you’s to all the Official Sponsors of the first


Csf1 #10
Artist: Shalak Attack

18 thoughts on “Kanos – Cellograff Art

  1. That’s different, Resa!
    Art is certainly going through many changes, as you alluded to in your previous post. This is really ‘out of the box’, so to speak. I can’t help but wonder ~ what’s next?
    More exciting change, me thinks! 🙂

  2. Wow – stunning! So cool – I went to his website to see more and it looks amazing with the light going through it! Really neat you got to see this stuff in person!

  3. I can never understand how these artists can create something so big and detailed so quickly, although in an impatient world that is probably a good thing.

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